Yeah…right. Trust the State
It is cold, I get it. I plan on not leaving the house for the next 36+ hours…. But….. So the City of Chicago has, for many years, been telling people to “Take Public Transportation” in order to reduce...
View ArticleSO the temp is dropping rapidly
As of 6 pm, we had slid from 11F at noon to zero F. In the past hour it has fallen 3 degrees. No wind to speak of yet. Got a real fire going in the woodstove and the temp inside is 72F. If it gets as...
View ArticleSo far not as bad
As of 5:30 AM: only -18.7F. Winds chill is only at -40F But, the skies are clearing, so it may get worse.
View ArticleAAAAnd it begins
The elderly neighbor called. No water. He’s 80 years old and in a panic. He didn’t leave water running as I suggested when I called him yesterday. So I hope his well isn’t frozen. Truck is warming up...
View ArticleDodged a bullet, I think
Went to the house, opened up the well room, and set up 2 heaters. The room was about 20 degrees F. Turned OFF the well at the panel, so if there were any broken pipes, we wouldn’t have water running...
View ArticleHoax “Hate Crime”?
Sure looking that way…. Seems that there was a report from some actor “Jussie Smollet”…he claims that he was walking back from an all night Subway Sandwich shop when he was (allegedly) set upon by...
View Article“Up” to -11F
And the wind chill is “up” to -28F. I loves me that Global Warmening stuff. Spozed to be as cold tonight too, but not as windy. I’m thinking Ecuador looks good right now…..
View ArticleY’know
I’m gettin’ frustrated by the weather people. They are giving out “Real Feel” temperatures…and I got that…I understand that people need to know that information if they are going outside. But they are...
View ArticleIf I were so inclined
Today would be a good day to fly for a while. Clear skies, small winds, GREAT density altitude. (-5000 ft) and no chance of icing….. Of course, there is the issue of getting the plane out of the...
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